monkey see monkey doo doo

first of all, when a monkey pees on you, that's good luck for, like, a decade. according to lucy. corey was not so enthused when it actually happened to her, but she could use some good luck, so hey. pee away, monkey.
we left khaolak in a blaze of sadness, cause we made such good friends there and it was so beautiful. the bus to petchaburi (pronounced petburi) was ten hours of fun. the buses in thailand have stewardesses and the bustops feature good thai food and clean bathrooms. what? mari and tara slept, lucy and corey shared headphones and danced in our spacious seats to juice newton and kenny rodgers. yes. the gambler. it was very appropriate. then we took some codiene and fell asleep for about ten minutes before the stewardesses woke us up and ordered us off the bus. no time to pack up, just get off and stand on this dark, abandoned highway. in petchanburi, thailand. okay!
two motorbike taxis came to our rescue and took us to the wong-something hotel, a favorite with chinese salesmen (according to lonely planet). we were greeted by grumpy teenagers at the front desk and a giant gajillipede insect-type-animal in our squat toilet. for all we know, it could have been 20 feet long. we couldn't tell. it was fascinating. we flushed it promptly.

we were all unsure what petchaburi would bring. it brought linda.

linda took us to the pet store. we bought dog food, which we took to wat yai (big temple) to feed the giant large catfish in the pond. then she taught us how to pay respect to the buddha in the temple and how to make a wish.

then linda took us to lunch. this was not just any lunch. this was the best food in thailand. for real (according to tara and corey. lucy liked the dinner we had later better. mari's asleep right now, so she can't talk). we ate koay teow. that means noodles in a delicious broth of spices and pork (in this case, it can vary). we also had koay teow hang, which is the dry version of this dish. it was sooooooo good. help us. we are ruined for other food.

after lunch, we trekked on over to khao luong or 'loyal mountain'. this is a gigantic cave that has been used as a buddhist temple for over 300 years.

then we walked through a market and felt the loss of our friends meaw, nong and sit. we had to resort to super-remedial thai and sign language while we tried to communicate with a tattooed old-timer who sold us coconuts. we had a rest at our gorgeous hotel and headed to linda's learning center.

all aspiring to become engineers, docters, nurses and pilots. one likes to meditate for fun. so different from american kids who all want to be beyonce and jay-z when they grow up. thay asked us questions. we asked them questions. they taught us how to dance thai traditional dance. it was fun.

dinner with linda featured the special fish soup of petchaburi and many delicious salads. we declared ourselves full, then went to a market and got dessert. actually, four different types of dessert. the signature petchaburi dessert is a flan-like custard that melts in your mouth. we also enjoyed the sticky rice with coconut and this bean-custard thing in a banana leaf. dessert rules. yum. after a million mosquito bites, we went back to our hotel, watched some really good thai television (fat kids dancing with long fingernails) and crashed.
the next day was 'children's day' in thailand. we woke up to live teen rock bands playing that song by the cranberries. it's the most popular song in thailand. venturing out, we hiked up the mountain in the town to visit the palace and temples of king rama v of siam.

walking through the park back to our hotel, we encountered some of the bands that were rocking our world. thai teenagers have the best haircuts and are the toughest. just look at the photos. amazing. our favorite band was "nying baht" (that means one baht, or "one dollar"). they were maybe 13 years old.

lucy loves thailand. can't you tell?

a short busride later, we arrived in bangkok, land of crusty hippie farong, having their hair braided and buying those stupid wooden frogs that you can buy in new york or probably even witchita, kansas. we are staying in the gross gross hotel. but we booked a fancy place on priceline for tomorrow night. yeah. we need a real bath.
tomorrow we check out the famous bangkok weekend market and a muy thai match. we'll let you know. it might take a week, but we'll let you know. still lovin you. corey and lucy for matacodotcom.

dear corey, lucy and tara,,, well here i am again,, tara's mom. I just wanted to tell all of you that by far this is the best yet of all your adventures,,, (loved the picture of tara being interviewed) its amazing the amount of people you run into that just happen to speak english and no less teach it! keep the journal coming,, i'm loving it! miss you and love you tara and can't wait to hear about all your adventures first hand...... love mom
oh yeah...and that rock band f'in rules!!! Corey, behave yourself with these hot young men.....
-The Utah Lone Ranger
my fellow kung fu girls.....jst a quick note to watch out for gem scams in bangkok....long story but jb just got back from there and if anyone offers to take you to the "lucky buhda" or tries top hail a special "government issued tuk tuk" don't do it! it's a jewelry scam. don't buy jewelry there, that's all i'm saying. love you and miss you sooooooo much!!!!!
my fellow kung fu girls.....jst a quick note to watch out for gem scams in bangkok....long story but jb just got back from there and if anyone offers to take you to the "lucky buhda" or tries top hail a special "government issued tuk tuk" don't do it! it's a jewelry scam. don't buy jewelry there, that's all i'm saying. love you and miss you sooooooo much!!!!!
love the blog. i am a big fan and read it whenever i think of you all and wonder if you have possibly posted more pictures of hot guys and food! My Favorite! I'm Drooling here in NYC. You all look INCREDIBLE-almost as good as the food. No, better than the food. Looks and sounds like the trip of a lifetime and i am so happy for you i cry when i read this. i am a sap but your blog is that good.
Lots of love from a potsticker, Karen.
i love reading this. xoxo-
Auntie Charro is so happy for all of you and very envious now that the temperature here in Maine is about to plummet. Love all the stories and the pics are great. We want more - Hey Corey Chase expects his jackalope when you get back. xoxox AC
Corey - I want a red and blue jackalope - I miss you
love chase
Hey Tara,
Sounds like you guys are having a blast. I am envious of you! I was so grossed out by the leech story. I would have freaked out to no end. You have to call when you get home, especially since I am your #1 favorite cousin and the mother of your favorite "nephew". By the way, Kristopher keeps asking about you. Enjoy!
Love always,
i miss you lucy!!! (and corey too!) i wish i was there soooooo freakin bad. hey adrianne -- i say you and me plan a trip (lucy and corey, etc, you're all invited too) it's finally cold in NYC - woo-hoo.
Mari, Love the blog, especially the pics!! You all look like you are having too much fun... Take Care!
Michael G.
Those pictures are unbelievable...I know you must be having just a great time...we are frezzing here in N.Cal.wish I was there like everyone else feels I imagine. Love, Mari's mom
God bless you all and travel safety.
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