Tuesday, December 26, 2006

happy crippus

first we got on the plane and then we sat on the plane for, maybe, 20 days. our hips and backs and butts hurt and mari's feet got all swollen. corey took two tylenol pm pills and fell asleep in a horrible position that made her have dreams about knee surgery performed by children. it was cause her knee was twisted around in real life. crazy dreams. mari told the flight attendant that she didn't want the gross 'asian vegetarian' meal, so tara and corey had to eat tiny pancakes with leeks and canned miniature mushrooms. delicious. we love leeks and pancakes. mari ate an omelette. we were jealous.

then we got to singapore and we love it here. our 10 hours in the island/country/city has been lovely. everyone is friendly, the subway is amazingly quiet and clean, making us question where the $2.00 NYC subway fare is actually going. we spent a lot of time in little india in the rain, eating and drinking warm beverages. corey asked for a band-aid at a cafe (more on that later) and the guy put it on her finger for her. that would not happen in new york. we had lamb roti. delicious. but before that we had breakfast: fishball soup with pork noodles. it was 9:00am. for us it felt like three days ago. we really like singapore breakfast.

right now we're all a little bit delirious with jet-lag and have to get on one more flight to kuala lumpur. then it's nap time. hopefully we will be more coherent and entertaining in the future. mmmm fishballs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm SOOO happy that you guys are writing about the amazing and mysterious food that you'll be eating. Y'all are making me so hungry and I'm now (believe it or not) craving little mushrooms with pancakes.

Take pictures!

And remember to spend a little time on your own every day. That has always been the thing that has saved me when I've been on tour and you'll get along a whole lot better that way.

Love you,


10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so happy you have made it there...pls keep me posted.mom

12:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give my love to rianna's family.

12:43 AM  

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